
Criminal Defence Solicitors London

No matter the level of severity of a criminal allegation, it is always personal and immediately life altering. Our team of skilled criminal defence solicitors in London possesses extensive experience in navigating the complexities of the criminal justice system. We offer exceptional individual conflict services, specialising in providing comprehensive legal representation for individuals facing a wide range of criminal charges.

From drug offences to sexual offences and violent crimes, Twelve Tabulae’s criminal defence solicitors are well-versed in defending clients in various criminal cases. Whether the matter is being heard in the Magistrates Court or the Crown Court, individuals can rely on our expertise and knowledge of criminal law to mount a strong defence and protect rights.

The moment a matter is reported to the Police, a process is started that can potentially destroy a person’s livelihood and liberty. We act quickly and robustly to have criminal allegations discontinued – our track record in this regard is unparalleled, having had some of the most sensitive and serious indictments withdrawn.

​We are poised to attend Police Stations day and night to represent individuals facing the overbearing pressure of Police interviews, ensuring that rights are protected and that the first opportunity to give an account is properly advised upon.

​You will have access to a senior counsel and solicitor from the very start of your case and they will remain with you throughout, to develop trust and ensure that you have continuity of representation and strategic approach.

The highly experienced senior counsel representing you in Court will be involved from the beginning of your case to ensure complete consistency. Specialist investigators are also instructed from the outset to secure evidence that the Police may have missed in order to bolster your case.

With a commitment to upholding justice and protecting the rights of individuals, you can trust us as your Criminal Defence Solicitors in London. Be assured you will receive personalised legal representation diligently examining the evidence, developing robust defence strategies, and advocating vigorously on your behalf.

Sexual offences + Serious offences against the person + Firearms offences + Appeal matters + Criminal tax allegations + Extradition

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